Sérgio Sette Câmara, unique in the KF category, finished the second round in 15th

This Sunday (09) the  La Conca kart track in Muro Leccese, Italy, hosted the second and last round of the WSK Champions Cup. The competition attracted more than 200 pilots and in the class KF, the most representative of that sport worldwide, had the only Brazilian Sérgio Sette Câmara  (Banco Mercantil do Brasil | CEMIG | TAESA | MBR | Tear Têxtil | Lalubema | Patrus Transportes | Milplan | ART) finishing his participation on the 15th place.

This championship was planned by the company WSK to actually open the season of European karting. Held on two weekends in a row, in the same kart track, the competition reached its main objective and attracted more than 200 pilots, from all parts of the planet, seeking the first major title of the international season.

After the 16th position in the first round last week, Sette Camara had a very positive participation in this second stage. With the always precise support from his mechanic, Roberto Marocco, and the attention from Armando Fillini, head of the team, the pilot managed  good performances in the practice sessions and followed confident for the qualifying. Unfortunately, at this time which defines the starting position for all qualifying races, the weather impaired the Brazilian pilot. After a long period of rain the track was beginning to dry and on bet for a certain type of track, Serginho opted to wait a bit to go to the track and his strategy ended up not working well and, a a result, made only the 33rd best time.

Without discouraging himself he followed for the qualifying races always starting from positions well behind, but, on a fairly rapid and determined way he did a spectacular job which earned him two times the 11th position and, in the last qualifying session, the 10th place. With this score he followed for the pre-final race with the 18th place.

Today was exclusively dedicated to  the Pre-final and Final. In the first race, after a good start, the Brazilian managed to impose a good pace and followed winning positions to finalize the battery on the 13th position which assured him, above all, a chance to start inside on the seventh line of the Final.

Serene, and with the strategy completely planned, Serginho left in the final race. Unfortunately, even before the first turn, he was eventually hit by a competitor and got involved in an incident involving several pilots. He still managed to keep on track and even in late position, followed on a path next to the platoon. Showing very cold-blooded and, above all, concentration, the Brazilian was regaining ground with daring overtakings, but above all very loyal. In the total,  13 conquered positions to finally finish the race onn 15th position.

“I am quite satisfied with the work that we started this year in the KF category. In all races I was the best rider of our team which, in a certain way, brings a little more attention from the team for me. For my part I have devoted myself  and the results are showing on a very good way. I will continue practicing in Spain and, in two weeks, on the next race, I’m sure we can get an  even better result,” commented.

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